“Gene editing approach to study the brain-specific functions of PTMs in MAP2Ks“. By Alex Sobko, PhD

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing approach to study the brain-specific functions of post-translational protein modifications in MAP Kinase Kinases MAP2K1/2. * Alex Sobko * Not affiliated, 8762728, South-West IL, (ישראל) We characterized dynamic localization, PTMs and activities of MAP2K1/2 homologue in social slime mould Dictyostelium (DdMEK1), in which MAP kinase pathways play central role in directional cell migration (chemotaxis) and development. DdMEK1 is subject to SUMOylation and Ubiquitination in response to chemoattractant stimulation. We also identified SUMO-directed RING finger Ubiquitin ligase, that forms a complex with SUMOylated DdMEK1 and ubiquitinates this protein kinase. Specific lysine residue in DdMEK1, modified by SUMO, was mapped, and SUMOylation-deficient mutant was characterized and shown to affect DdMEK1 subcellular localization, cell motility and multicellular development. More recently, MAP2K1 SUMOylation was demonstrated in mammalian cells and th
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