7 Top Beauty YouTubers & How Much They Make

Breaking down the top 7 beauty influencers on YouTube and how much money they make. Subscribe to keep learning: From James Charles & Tati Westbook to the rich life of Jeffree Star. This is how much gurus make and get paid. See craziest things YouTubers own: ---- This video breaks down how much beauty influencers make by looking at the top YouTube beauty community influencers and breaking down how much they make through YouTube, beauty merch and more. Beauty influencer fails and big wins often lead to their success on YouTube, infact beauty influencer drama and top beauty guru collabs is how a lot of these creators have had big success. Some then turn and have massive success like James Charles Instant Influencer. I hope this helps you understand the rich life of James Charles, Tati Westbrook, Yuya, Sarabeautycorner, Rclbeauty101, Jeffree Star, Nikkietutorials.
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