FaIse FIag Exposed?

⚠️ Order your “Let’s Go Brandon!“ shirts here ➡️ 📖 Order my book, “The True Story of Fake News“ here ➡️ (ad) 💡 Support me on Patreon for just $5 or $10 a month here ➡️ Order my book “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture“ from Amazon here: or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook. Order my book “The Liberal Media Industrial Complex“ here: (ad) Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of “Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor’s degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017). He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world. This video description and the pinned c
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