A Man Put Cheese Making Ingredient In-between His Legs. This Is What Happened To His Soft Tissue.
Adapted from this report:
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One should always approach calcium with caution in the hospital
0:00 Important ⚠️ Notice
0:13 A Man Put Cheese 🧀 Making Ingredient In-between His Legs
1:40 Doing his own 🤔 research
2:43 Symptoms
3:01 The emergency room 🚑 where we are now
3:41 The cheese 🧀 and milk 🥛 saga
4:13 A mineral that can be an electrolyte
5:12 This is called second messenger
6:54 But this wouldn’t be his only problem..
8:18 A blood 🩸 test finds...
10:33 A dearth of information
These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.
Evaluation of single ... injection of calcium chloride for nonsurgical sterilization in adult albino rats.
Evaluation of single ... injection of calcium chloride for nonsurgical sterilization of male Black Bengal goats (Capra hircus): a dose-dependent study.
Regulation of cell death: the calcium–apoptosis link.
Intracellular Ca2 sensing: role in calcium homeostasis and signaling.
Skin and soft tissue necrosis from calcium chloride in a deicer (06)00633-0/fulltext
Regulation of cell death: the calcium–apoptosis link.
Calcium Gluconate
Calcium Chloride extravasation injury
Muscle cells need calcium ions.
Calcium, mitochondria and cell metabolism: A functional triangle in bioenergetics.
Imaging of ... Masses: The Essentials.
Severe Iatrogenic Calcinosis Cutis From Extravasated Calcium Gluconate.