To cause confusion or to make someone feel mentally incapacitated, cut the root end off of a red onion and hollow out the center. Make a name paper for the intended victim by writing the person’s legal name three, six or nine times, and then write the intended effect of the curse upside-down over the person’s name. Write the general intentions in a circle around the person’s name, and then fold the paper to insert it into the hollow onion. Add a small amount of laundry bluing, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a pinch of powdered dirt dauber’s nest on top of the paper. Place the root end back... on the onion and tie it closed, if necessary. Bury the onion with the rest of the powdered dirt dauber’s nest to cause mental confusion to an enemy. powerful spells to make someone missing you, saving marriage, good luck, tender winning, and cleansing, unfinished jobs from spells casters and healers, lotteries and chance game winnings and witchcraft rituals to change your life. Fi
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