Why You Should use Eye Cream? part2 #Shorts eye creme

Why You Should use Eye Cream? part2 Why You Should use Eye Cream? part1 : read more: 4. Prevent Skin laxity around our eyes, be caused by genetics and overexposure to the sun, and the natural degradation of the collagen, elastin, proteins, and hyaluronic acid in our skin by using eye creams formulated with peptides, which boost collagen and elastin production, also reach for hyaluronic acid. As we become older, we may notice a loss of firmness and sagging of the skin around our eyes, which is known as skin laxity. While a variety of factors might contribute to this, such as heredity and excessive sun exposure, the natural loss of collagen, elastin, proteins and hyaluronic acid in our skin as we age is a big component. Again, no eye cream can replace a cosmetic treatment, but there are certain elements that can help. Using peptide-based eye creams can help tighten and lift the skin around the eyes. Peptides promote collagen and elastin production, so including them i
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