Europe should offer to the world the concept of Humanity Society.

French President Emmanuel Macron warns that Europe may soon disappear if the situation is not changed and different countries and peoples will choose between the two dominant forces: China and the United States. The fall and destruction of Europe will have negative consequences for the whole world. What are modern European values? - They are Freedom and a man on a pedestal: “Everything for the sake of man! In the framework of this formula “A man on a pedestal and all for the sake of a man!” Europe and the West have implemented liberalism and a cult of tolerance, where everyone do whatever they want without any restrictions, while all norms of morality are blurred, dissolved, understanding of all social rules and norms disappears as well as basic knowledge about how a life of a socially healthy society should be arranged. Europe should draw conclusions from all this, correct mistakes and progress further. “A man on a pedestal” is a good idea. It is only necessary to correctly answer the question: “What is a man with a capital letter, what makes us human?” And direct society in the development in people of elevated human qualities, to develop humanity. Everyone needs to become a Man with a capital letter. This is the message that Europe should develop in its most basic idea. Liberalism postulates that man is perfect and therefore worthy of the very best. No, you need to become a Man who will be worthy of the best. And a person with a capital letter is a person who has morality, a full understanding of life, and a full responsibility. What should Europe do to become the leader of humanity? What can and should it now offer to the whole world? Listen to this in this issue. 00:24 : A fragment of the appeal of the President of France Macron to Europe. 01:00 : What should Europe do to remain in a leading position? 02:10 : What competence does a person possess to be called a Man with a capital letter? 03:16 : What is the welfare of society? 04:20 : What is the concept of the Society of Humanity? Делитесь своим, мнением, своими суждениями в комментариях под этим видео. ____________________ СПАСИБО _____________________________ 👉 ПОДПИШИТЕСЬ на канал 🔔 НАЖМИТЕ колокольчик, чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски 👍 ПОСТАВЬТЕ ЛАЙК если вам понравился выпуск ✍️ НАПИШИТЕ нам в комментариях МЫ ОЧЕНЬ ЦЕНИМ ВАШЕ МНЕНИЕ А ТАКЖЕ ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ НАС НАЙТИ: САЙТ ГРУППА В ВК В Facebook Instagram #Сознание #Бытие #Усанин #Общество
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