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Hey kids! On the episode 114 of weekend wankshop, uncle Ben Eller here is gonna give you a guitar lesson on how to play all the killer riffs in the new Mastodon song, Sultan’s Curse! They debuted this song last week so i thought it would be a great idea to show you all how to play the rhythm guitar parts in this song. Sounds great, reminds me of their Crack the Skye era riffs, in a Once More ’Round the Sun package.
Song is tuned down one whole step, low to high D G C F A D.
Playing Jon Cooper of Cooper Amps’ Les Paul with P
...orter Overdrive pickups. Playing through my Cooper Sport 30 with a Wampler Pinnacle providing distortion.
Stay tuned for more from the new Mastodon album, Emperor of Sand, coming soon!!!Show more