Coles, Coles, Coles & Coles Aka Cole Quads Second Birthday (1952)
Westminster, London.
SV. Parents holding Cole Quads on balcony of flats. & SCU. LV. Workmen waving from road. SV. Nurses with quads. CU. One the the nurses offers a quad a birthday card. CU. Other nurses offers teddy bear to other children, who do not seem interested. SCU. Mrs. Cole tying hair ribbon, onto one of quads. CU. Quad having ribbon tied. STV. A. Quad playing with toy she picks it up and walks towards door. STV. Neighbours waving from road. GV. Quads birthday party. SV. Double-tiered cake with two candles on table. In the background left to right quads, Patsy, Edna, Frances and Marie. CU. Elevated Eldest Boy David, aged 7, eating cake. SV. Quads at table. CU. Frances eating sandwich pan to Marie being served with a sandwich. CU. Patsy eating cake. Pan down to large lump of cake held in other hand. CU. Edna looking a bit jammy. SV. Pan from Mr. Cole. holding Marie, to two candles burning on cake. SCU. Marie puffing at candles. CU. David applauding. SV. Mrs. Cole and other guests applauding. SCU.