Battle of Solferino, 1859 ⚔️ Napoleon III and the Fate of Italy ⚔️ DOCUMENTARY

🚩 Sign up on HistoryHit and get 50% off your first 3 months by using the code HISTORYMARCHE 👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇 🚩 By 1859 the decades-long struggle to free Italy from being dominated by the mighty Austrian Empire seemed far from success. But a new secret alliance between two nations - the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and the Second French Empire - gave renewed hope to the effort. These three powers are about to embark on a monumental campaign that will culminate in one of the bloodiest battles of its time. At stake is the fate of Italy. 🚩 This video was produced in colla...boration with PMF Productions. Check out their channel and give them the credit that they deserve: 🚩 Consider supporting our work on Patreon and enjoy early access ad-free videos for as little as $1
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