Song of Chekists-Песня чекистов

On this day, 103 years ago, first soviet secret police and spy agency was formed- All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage- Cheka. Cheka, and her succeeding agencies GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MGB/MVD and KGB, played major role in USSR’s history. This is a song of chekists, about their job and everyday sacrifice in strugle to maintain freedom and security of the state, of russian/soviet singer Joseph Kobzon, with pictures of important functionaries of state security apparatus, as well as most notorious soviet spies deeply in enemy lines! Lyrics Чекист рожден в борьбе, мужал в сраженьях жарких. С той пламенной поры немало лет прошло - Фуражку со звездой, потертую кожанку В музее положили под стекло. The Chekist was born in struggle, matured in hot battles. Many years have passed since that fiery time - Peaked cap with a star, shabby leather jacket In the museum they put it under glass.
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