Shab E Meraj Mubarak Ho -The Night of Shab - e - Miraj @Lifetime

As Muslim children, we are told about the significance of Makkah and Madina, we feel a sense of closeness to these two Holy Places. Yet the holiness of Masjid al-Aqsa doesn’t always get a significant mention - which is why the 27th of Rajab is a date worth remembering! This date marks a journey that has no parallel in human history and portrays the power of Allah that is beyond the horizons of human comprehension. What is Shab – e – Miraj? Shab – e – Miraj, also known as Al-Isra Wal-Miraj and the Night of Miraj. These terms are used to portray one of the most miraculous experiences that Allah had bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). This incredible journey took place during a time when the Prophet (ﷺ) was facing intense hardship and pain. His emotions were tested with the passing of two of the most beloved people in his life. It all started when Angel Jibra’eel (as) woke the Prophet (ﷺ) up and led him to a white beast named Buraq and commenced his journey to Masjid Al -
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