VSR2 На улучшение прошлогоднего достижения, установленного в кайтсёрфинге, претендует яхта необычной конструкции Vestas Sailrocket 2. Чтобы показать себя, ей придётся преодолеть рубеж в 103 км/ч.

Film/Edit Hiskia Sindimba/Helena Darvelid/VestasSailrocket This is the 18th run of VESTAS Sailrocket 2 since her launch in March this year. We are trialling her new ventilated foils here which we believe will enable boats to exceed the limits previously imposed by ’cavitation’. We know they will work at high speed but believed that getting there would be the biggest problem. 40-45 knots was seen as confirmation that they were working. On this run we did an effortless 42 knots without even sheeting the w
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