Evan and I made a NEW OPERATOR in Rainbow Six Siege

Thank you to Hello Fresh for sponsoring! Use my link and use code POG-ROY16 for up to 16 FREE MEALS 3 SURPRISE GIFTS across 6 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping. Gifts include free appetizers, free desserts, and free premium recipes! #ad New operators need more creativity, originality, and likability. There are too many operators that are knock offs of others. It’s time to freshen it up with something brand new. I present to you the shortest operator in the game. A 6 speed, 50hp, grunting operator that can fit through drone holes. This will take siege to the next level. The design team needs to hire Evan Braddock and I to completely revamp the operators coming in year 7. It’s time to make siege fun again and go absolutely crazy with creativity. Leave your thoughts down below! Other Roy Content: @Daily Roy @Mor Roy How to get my charm: 1. Link your Ubisoft account to Twitch account here: #/en-US 2. Subscribe at
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