New lava streams destroy La Palma houses

Spain’s La Palma authorities announced on Monday new lockdowns as lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano engulfed a cement factory, among other buildings, causing a huge cloud of smoke. Authorities will analyse air quality to monitor if it’s dangerous for the population, director of Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan (Pevolca) organization Miguel Angel Morcuende told reporters. Pevolca committee is also monitoring the new flow of lava that is 300 metres away from ocean and may reach the ocean soon, creating another delta of lava in the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish Institute of Geology and Mining (IGME) shot on Saturday massive blocks of lava flowing down the hillside from La Palma volcano. The blocks of red-hot magma flowed down the side of the Cumbre Vieja volcano were the size of three-story buildings, IGME said on Sunday. Los Llanos de Aridane city hall were forced to open an unfinished parking lot for caravans so local residents affected by volcano eruption could use it. Lava has engulfed 591 hectares (1,458
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