Nitrous Oxide & Simon Gregory & Katey Brooks - Skylight

’Skylight’ lands on Enhanced Progressive! Stream/Buy: Listen to our Latest Releases: We welcome an A-team of acts this week as producers Nitrous Oxide and Simon Gregory are joined by Katey Brooks on vocals, with co-writing from trance legend Katie Marne. The result is magnificent! ’Skylight’ is a warm, powerful record that sees the team’s songwriting shine bright as we build with patience into a glorious denouement. Nitrous Oxide and Simon Gregory create a dense and expansive atmosphere through their intricate production, effortlessly married to Brooks’ emphatic vocals and the transcendent... lyrics, delivered with a rousing spirit. This is pure trance excellence. Join our Enhanced Family on Discord: Listen to our 24/7 YouTube radio: Connect with Enhanced: Visit the Enhanced Store: https://e
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