【v4flower】HYPERDONTIA【Original Song Collaboration】

Check out the prequel to this song, “Novocaine“!: ~~ IT’S DONE FHFHUFICNNGH FINALLY AFTER LLLLIIIIIIITERALLY OVER A YEAR. I T’S DONE. edit: *BANGING POTS AND PANS* DON’T FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DON’T FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DON’T FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DON’T FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERD And now a word from our sponsor (Crep): THANK GOD THIS IS DONE Okay, but this was a really fun song to do with Ghost, even though the events that lead up to this... wasn’t... really all cool... ew. But this was seriously so cool and fun, and I’d tota...lly do this again! ...Without the discourse. I can’t believe Ghost wrote about my old job smh ~~ Instrumental, mixing/mastering (for both vocals and instrumental), video: Creep-p / Eyeris Vocal & instruental melodies, vsqx/tuning, lyrics, art: GHOST iTunes: Spotify: Google Play:
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