Смотри и думай...История 103. Мегалиты Сибири. Красноярский край. Россия

Description in English - below. Смотри и думай...История 103. Мегалиты Сибири. Красноярский край. Россия Look and 103. Megaliths In Siberia. Krasnoyarsk Krai. Russia. “Do you want to see a mammoth? A giant wall with a polygonal masonry? For this, there is absolutely no need to visit Paleontological museum or go to Peru, in Saxa-iuaman! All this is in Siberia! Huge, unexplored space hide many secrets and mysteries of the distant past, so far away that all miracles and riddles Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, etc. - just “yesterday“ day ... The age of our planet is about 4.5 billion years and consider our civilization, the age of only 1 million years old “the only and unique, at least - stupid! Partizansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory carries a piece of that incredibly distant, unknown past ... “ Подробнее можно узнать здесь : http://sibved.l
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