The Future of Relations

August 27, 2020 Speakers: Kristin Smith Diwan, F. Gregory Gause, III, Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman (Moderator) On August 27, AGSIW hosted a virtual roundtable on the future of relations. Has Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman solidified his political base sufficiently to ensure a seamless transfer of power in the event of his father’s death? How seriously has the steep decline in oil revenue owing to the coronavirus pandemic affected Vision 2030, his strategy to diversify the Saudi economy? What is the status of the relationship, particularly in view of increased congressional scrutiny of Riyadh’s policies at home and abroad? And after four years of close personal ties, can the Saudi leadership distance itself from the Trump administration and build bridges to what might be a Democratic administration in 2021? Kristin Smith Diwan, AGSIW senior resident scholar, and F. Gregory Gause, III, John H. Lindsey ’44 chair at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Tex
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