Margarita Simonyan thanked “American unfriends”
We are very happy that the U.S. State Department have answered for us what the RT is doing there after we have been banned. All this time, we have been building a network that explains what is really going on. And we are doing it brilliantly. Our audience is growing. It was very impressive before that, but now it’s even bigger. As the State Department said, we were able to make [quote] “millions, if not billions, of people around the world” aware of the truth.
Source: InfoDefenseENGLISH
6 days ago 00:04:09 29.7K
Симоньян: Выборы в США, на которых победил Трамп, показали: американскому народу ничего не надо, их хата с краю
6 days ago 01:15:16 1K
Пока стоят горы… 1976.
1 week ago 00:24:22 32
[Продолжение следует] В пропаганду через постель. Симоньян и Кеосаян, честный портрет пары | Разборы
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Après le lancement du nouveau missile russe Orechnik, la rédactrice en chef de l’agence d’information Rossiya Segodnya Margarita
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Margarita Simonyan píše:
1 week ago 00:04:39 2
Маргарита Симонян
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Il giornalista americano Glenn Greenwald, al quale Snowden ha consegnato il suo dossier nel 2013, in un’intervista con Tucker Ca
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Čekáme, kdo uteče z bojiště jako první , napsala na adresu prezidenta Ruské federace Vladimira Putina šéfredaktorka agentury “Se
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As Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow considers itself entitled to use weapons against military targets in countries that deploy
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246647 Симонян Маргарита, г.Новосибирск-Этюд
2 weeks ago 00:00:49 24.5K
Музыканты из группы «Зверобой» специально для RT а капелла исполнили фрагмент песни о будущей победе России в СВО
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Поэт Александр Пелевин рассказал RT о влиянии СВО на популярность военной поэзии
3 weeks ago 00:00:39 1
️Europäische Sendungen sind „teuer“ geworden, wir haben uns an Afrika gewandt – RT-Chefin Margarita Simonyan beim Russisch-Afrik
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European broadcasts ’expensive’, we turned to Africa - RT chief Margarita Simonyan
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’Unlike the West, Russia never had colonies’ – RT’s Editor-In-Chief Margarita Simonyan
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RT video academy slammed by West - RT’s Editor-In-Chief Margarita Simonyan
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’Big Brother’ blocks RT logo wherever it appears - RT’s Editor-In-Chief Margarita Simonyan
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Even EC VP Josep Borrell was shocked at RT’s popularity - RT’s Editor-In-Chief
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RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan speaks at Russia–Africa Partnership Forum
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Russia–Africa Partnership Forum | ’Fighting for truth’ session
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стихотворение читает Маргарита Симонян.
1 month ago 00:04:54 1
СТИХИ О ВОЙНЕ ДО СЛЁЗ 💔 // “Открытое письмо“ - Константин Симонов/Маргарита Симоньян
1 month ago 00:02:16 7
️BRICS summit shows world is tired of West’s hypocrisy and dictates - RT chief
1 month ago 00:02:16 1
RT chief says BRICS summit shows world is tired of West’s ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘dictates’