Why Does Russia Still Deploy This Unarmored BM-21 Grad Rocket System on to Ukraine

When you think about battlefield weapons, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it high-tech precision or state-of-the-art equipment used by modern armies? This time, the BM-21 Grad, a Soviet-era rocket system, has taken the spotlight. In an era dominated by advanced weaponry and high-tech military gear, it’s intriguing that this old-fashioned rocket system still plays a significant role. Surprisingly, Russia, known for its vast stockpile of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers, continues to rely on the outdated BM-21 Grad artillery. But why does Russia persist in using this seemingly outdated weapon? Are they running out of modern weapons? or is there more to it than we might think? Stay tuned to find out the answers to these questions! Subscribe Now :
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