Christmas Floor Is Lava - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs - Brain Break Freeze Dance

Sing along and learn with The Kiboomers Preschool Songs & Nursery Rhymes! The Christmas Floor is Lava freeze song is a fun dance game for kids to play at a holiday dance party at home or in the classroom! Our preschool movement songs are also a great way to get your students up and moving during circle time or for brain breaks. So, watch out, because in this fun action song - the Christmas floor is lava!!! Merry Christmas! CHRISTMAS FLOOR IS LAVA SONG LYRICS FOR KIDS! Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s the Christmas Floor is Lava Game! Now, my little reindeer, When I say, “The floor is lava!“ Get off the floor! And when I say, “Dance!“ Dance!!! Dancing, Dancing on the floor Dancing little reindeer Dancing just a little bit more... But jump when I say..... 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Christmas back to normal! Everybody! Get ready to leap! Leaping, leaping on the floor, Leaping little reindeer, Leaping just a little bit more... But jump when I say..... 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Christmas back to normal! Everybody! Get ready to fly! Flying, Flying on the floor Flying little reindeer Flying just a little bit more... But jump when I say..... 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Christmas back to normal! Everybody! Get ready to stomp! Stomping, Stomping on the floor Stomping little reindeer Stomping just a little bit more... But jump when I say..... 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!! Christmas back to normal! Everybody! Get ready to dance! Dancing, Dancing on the floor Dancing little reindeer Dancing just a little bit more... But jump when I say..... Merry Christmas everybody! Animation by Dream Farm Studios #christmassongsforkids #circletime
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