History of Military Kit & Weapons: Generations of change & Improvements 1952-1993 | with Rick Lamb

This is Part-2 of this video; the first part covers the gear from 1952-1993. CSM(Ret) Rick Lamb has been collecting military uniforms and equipment his whole life. As a historian, he appreciates that history not only repeats its self; but you can see patterns of innovation. As he puts it: We always take a “Face Shot“ at the start of a new conflict, because we are fighting with gear from our last war. Peacetime militaries often go back to being “spit-n-polish“, with pretty soldiers better trained & equipped for parades than combat. After the initial “face shot,“ we see great innovation; necessity truly is the mother of invention. In this video, CSM Lamb will take us through each generation of military kit, weapons, and uniforms; starting with the Viet Nam era. Each table will discuss not just the changes but, more importantly, WHY the changes were made. Some are good, some are not. However, it is awesome to see the thought processes behind these decisions. There truly are great innovations when combat
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