Получи Красивую КОЖУ за 10 минут | Ультразвуковая Подтяжка ЛИЦА | Останови СТАРЕНИЕ
This video program gives you the opportunity to rejuvenate your skin, get an ultrasound lift and look younger. The cosmoenergetic music used in this session is designed to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. By applying these special frequencies, you can have a strong impact on your body and subconscious mind.
After the first full listening, the sound will be absorbed by your body and the process of self-healing and regeneration will start. Listening for several days will significantly increase the effectiveness of the video program.
You will be able to get beautiful skin, promote its regeneration and make your complexion look younger!
The video uses: binaural rhythms, cosmic energy music, vibrations of the subtle world of matter!
🎧 It is recommended to use headphones.
For more video programs, please subscribe to my channel here:
New channel: @MatrixofLifePower
2 days ago 00:05:42 1
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2 weeks ago 00:54:57 3
2 weeks ago 00:47:27 4
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