Extreme Funk Rock Bass solo

TABS: This song is available in my new ALBUM! Spotify: iTunes: I used my Fender Jazz Bass (made in mexico) and my Q-tron to make this video and i used “M-Audio Fast Track“ to record the sound! I hope you’ll like it! Don’t forget to Rate and comment and if you want, share this vid and you’ll make me happy! If you want more videos, subscribe to my channel: _________________________ Ciao a tutti ecco un nuovo video! E’ un video funk rock. Ho usato il mio Fender Jazz Bass (messicano) e il mio Q-Tron per fare questo video e ho usato “M-Audio Fast Track“ per registrare l’audio. Spero vi piacc...ia! Non dimenticate di votare il video e di commentarlo e, se volete farmi felice, condividetelo con i vost
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