Queen - Live In San Diego (July 5th, 1980) - REMASTERED
1980/07/05 - Queen, Live In San Diego (Wardour-479 Remaster)
Over 40 years after the fact, this show surfaced out of nowhere in May 2021, beautifully recorded and transferred by ’John Purlia’ using the following equipment:
2x SuperScope stereo mics - Marantz SuperScope CD320 cassette recorder - 2x Maxell XL-II cassettes
Infinite thanks go out to ’John’ for the generous share, as well as ’Seb/sheeerheartattack’ for retrieving the recording. Such was achieved with the following lineage:
AUD - Master Cassettes - Audacity - AIFF - WAV - FLAC level 8
Shortly after this recording was let out, physical copies were made available by Japanese bootleg company ’Wardour’. However, very few are aware that this release isn’t just a direct rip of the original tapes. The recording made it apparent that San Diego’s Sports Arena had “boomy“ acoustics, giving off a slapback echo which left many of the higher frequencies buried in with the mid-low range. By some miracle (or rather with the latest technology and skilled personnel) ’Wardour’ was able to repair and restore these frequencies to a level that would’ve seemed impossible otherwise! The new sound quality achieved here would easily be ranked as an “A“ if you ask me. Massive thanks to both ’Wardour’ for the immense improvements and to 10010110 for ripping and sharing.
My role here was much more miniscule compared to the efforts of everyone else involved. I simply removed the fade out/in between discs and carefully brought back to its original state for a seamless digital listening experience. Additionally, upon comparing sections of the show where playback was used (Bo Rhap Opera Section GSTQ) next to the same parts from surrounding officially released shows/soundboard recordings, I found the overall speed required a slight increase by approximately 0.5%. The lineage for my adjustments are as follows:
San Diego 1980 Wardour-479 2CD - fre:ac Rip - FLAC (Audacity & VEGAS Pro 17.0 adjustments) - FLAC Level 8
00:00 - Intro
02:15 - Jailhouse Rock
03:59 - We Will Rock You (fast)
06:45 - Let Me Entertain You
09:51 - Play The Game
14:25 - Mustapha
16:56 - Death On Two Legs
20:18 - Killer Queen
22:22 - I’m In Love With My Car
24:24 - Get Down, Make Love
30:27 - Ming’s Theme
30:53 - You’re My Best Friend
33:45 - Save Me
38:23 - Now I’m Here
46:29 - Need Your Loving Tonight
49:52 - Rock It (Prime Jive)
55:26 - Love Of My Life
59:29 - Keep Yourself Alive
1:02:59 - Drum / Guitar Solos
1:11:39 - Brighton Rock (reprise)
1:12:41 - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
1:18:50 - Bohemian Rhapsody
1:24:09 - Tie Your Mother Down
1:30:11 - Sheer Heart Attack
1:35:09 - We Will Rock You
1:37:31 - We Are The Champions
1:40:57 - God Save The Queen
Download link:
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