Plays Standards 【F】“ Fly me to the moon “ September , 2021. Jazz guitar and bass duo

Plays standards in September 2021 “ Fly me to the moon “ I will put a “Jazz Satndards“ video every Wednesday. September schedule ↓↓↓ 1. Flying home 8. Foggy day 15. Falling in love with love 22. Fly me to the moon 29. Foggy blues Guitar : Hirofumi Asaba Double bass : Nobuyuki Yano Director :Atsuki Takizawa @ Place : Juhla Tokyo @juhlatokyo Plays standards と称して、毎週水曜日にスタンダード曲を一曲ずつアップしていきます🎵 楽曲は”A~Z順に、ジャズ・スタンダードを4~5曲ずつ選曲”していく予定
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