\\\ HaPpY nEw YeAr /// 00:00 airshade - tied to you 02:30 Brimstone - Anomaly of Feelings 07:22 ndWhat - Alone in the Dark 10:34 gℓo - sacrifice 14:09 aarise x Almogfx - blurred dream 17:39 March13 - Take your Time 21:47 idée noire x Zetsubo - Out of Love 24:50 Riversilvers - Obscurity 27:44 VΛCΛNT - Hollow 32:24 LAYØN - Other Side @layon22 37:30 8Parallel - Let me Go 41:06 - Turn into the Unknow 44:22 alectricz - A Better Place 48:12 Nomyn - Beyond 51:42 Manu Shrine - Believe in Me 55:27 TBFM - Lost 58:58 Space Alpe - Alone 01:02:36 Qlafim - Unequal 01:07:04 Corner Dweller - Void 01:12:03 Tim Schaufert - Far From Here 01:15:40 Aurora Night - Lost 01:18/28 MANY MILES - Unknown 01:22:24 Modulation Sounds - Your Voice 01:29:00 Sakimori - Lost in Myself 01:32:48 - Unclown Despair - Slow Emotion 01:37:03 Phelian - Beside You 01:41:21 Limitless Wave - Storm inside 01:45:04 Dashevsky - Don’t Leave Me 01:50:03 Blackbird - Here Forever
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