
How to Train your dogs to Sit and Stay! Are you trying to get dog to sit and wait? Two dogs, told to wait for their treats and they don’t speak! Can you believe what happens next!? Wait until the end! Dog Treats I give my dogs: Pedigree Dentastix Amazon US: Amazon CA: Amazon UK: Amazon DE: Sit is a basic command that probably everyone wants their dog to learn. Good news is that it is easy to teach. First step, you need your dog and some of your dog’s favorite treats that they like so that you can easily entice them to get the desired behavior. Step 2, use some of the treats in your hand to entice your dog into the sit position. Step 3, when they sit, immediately give a clear and positive reinforcement, such as the word ’good’ followed by with the treat. With a lot of practice, your dog will sit when they hear the word. Step 4, use the word “wait“ to have your dog wait for the treat. Do not give the treat to t
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