Pres. Biden Took The ‘Proportional Response’ With Airstrikes In Syria | The Last Word | MSNBC

Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security advisor to President Obama, tells Lawrence O’Donnell that “you can tell there was a rigorous process“ and “there probably was pretty broad consensus“ for President Biden’s first authorization for military action against Iranian-backed forces in Syria. Aired on 02/26/2021. » Subscribe to MSNBC: About The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell: Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of “The West Wing,“ Lawrence O’Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O’Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O’Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conv
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