Libertango (encore) by Nikolai Kuznetsov (piano)

Piazzolla Libertango (piano) - Nikolai Kuznetsov Пьяццолла Либертанго - Николай Кузнецов (фортепиано) SHEET MUSIC: Libertango is the work of a bandoneon player (a type of accordion) and Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla, published in 1974 in Italy, where the composer had expatriated to try his luck: “I’m leaving because in Buenos Aires, I am one of the many unemployed who fill the streets.“ And success came! Libertango marks a turning point in the electric and revolutionary production of the musician’s work, but also in the history of the tango. “His tango is complex and varied. It deconstructs the traditional compas (rhythms), uses and abuses the counterpoint, mixes some ingredients of the classical reperoire to that of the tango, includes new instruments in the orchestra (the electric guitar, in particular)“, as Nathalie Moller states. This is how the tango nuevo was born, a new dance genre derived from
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