Lyrics - Yan Willow
Cover Art - Yan Willow & Alien
All Instruments, Vocals & Mixing - Alien
Once the sea was seized by madness
Visible space sunk into drabness
Darkness thickened like a wall
Nothing to see, no one to call
The waves beat us like whips
Stray winds stole away our breath
Restless waters drove us there
Where it’s only black without single glare
But then the storm was gone
And the light poured down
One sang an unfinished song
One repaired our destroyed hulk
But you were prematurely dead
News of this like plague was spread
One broken down by the sea’s attack
No one could fix, no one could give us back
As you dissolve in the water
To soap will turn your skin
Cold morning waves will never
Ever touch your shin
May tides guide you to heaven
But until dark waters are changed by light
Rest peacefully in the warm stream’s cradle
Sleep tight
No trace will ever be left on the