
祖辈们会把猪的每个部位都用到极致,猪血,猪肉加上豆腐和各种佐料一起装入大肠里,做成我们当地特色的豆腐血肠,有豆腐和肉的香味,挂干后蒸熟炸干水份,用猪油覆盖储存,留着吃一整年!你们香肠吃甜的还是吃咸的? ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Our ancestors would make the most of every part of a pig. Mix pig blood with pork, tofu and spices to fill into pig intestines and you will get the Mixed Tofu and Blood Sausage, a local cuisine special to our place. It has mixed flavors of tofu and pork. We would usually hang it to dry, then steam until cooked and deep-fry to remove the
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