Wheel - Wheel

Wheel is from Moving Backwards, Wheel’s debut album: Buy here: Upcoming shows: Lyrics: Our resolve is close to breaking under your watchful eye All that’s left is a prevailing sense of social apathy It wasn’t like you said We’re powerless and unable to alter our direction Slipping down, directly in to the bottom of a hole Is it any surprise we’re losing patience While you chase another elusive enemy? While our fear is amplified Another culture demonised It only serves to catalyse This burning desire for isolation Or is that what you wanted from the start? Shut up and give me the medicine Blind my eyes to the sight of it I just want to feel numb again And wait for this to pass Why don’t you shut up and give me the medicine? Suck it up and give us a reason Why this failed initiative Gives you the right to listen in I feel empty There’s nowhere left to hide I need someone to appease my conscience Will the end justify the means? Where there was dissent, there is only silence We’re all just cogs in a grand machine Just like back in 84 There are eyes on every wall It might be time to learn to crawl When privacy becomes a product to be traded for another They know everything about you Shut up and give me the medicine Blind my eyes to the sight of it I just want to feel numb again And wait for this to pass Why don’t you shut up and give me the medicine? Suck it up and give us a reason Let’s burn down the figure head I’m losing my mind, it never seems to end On the periphery The shadows start to fall They’re moving surreptitiously Or am I getting paranoid When did we lose our way? There’s nothing left to say I’m ready for a change Shut up and give me the medicine Blind my eyes to the sight of it I just want to feel numb again And wait for this to pass Why don’t you shut up and give me the medicine? Suck it up and give us a reason Nobody mourned our innocence And none of us buy that we are any safer Subscribe here: Find Wheel online: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Newsletter:
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