Cowan: Omicron = anagram for moronic, Q&A webinar
There is a movie called “Omicron“ look it up
The movie is about remote controlling people with chips in their head
Now many idiots injected nano machines into their bodies, they are prime targets to be remote control drones - It is an italian move from 1963
Cowan: In this webinar I discussed the Omicron variant and why the new variants and viruses never start from middle aged women from Brooklyn eating toads.
I also did a Q A sessions. Topics included were:
Why do bacteria and parasites exist?
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Why are staph infections common in hospitals?
Recommendations to prevent autoimmune issues during the winter months
My water set up
Cast iron pots and pans
Seasonal allergies
PCR tests
31 view
3 years ago 01:01:02 40
Dr. Tom Cowan: O My Cron - the myth of the omicron – Webinar
3 years ago 00:56:55 40
Dr. Andrew Kaufman EXPOSES Omicron! - There IS NO VIRUS! - MASS Depopulation Event