Studienteilnehmer berichtet: Bei einer mRA-Studie von 2013 nahmen Menschen teil

English title: Participient of a study reports: 200,000 people took part of a mR*A-study of 2013 Dieser Mann erzählt euch etwas über ein Experiment aus dem Jahr 2013, als Menschen mit einem neuen Ompfstoff getestet wurden, den sie niemals an anderen Objekten zuvor getestet haben. Was passierte dann mit den Patienten? This man tells you something about an experiment in 2013, where 200,000 people were tested with a new vaccine, which they have never tested at any other object before. What happened to the patients then? As a member state of the European Union, where vaccines against C19 are available and affordable, Bulgaria reports the lowest immunization coverage and the most pronounced vaccine distrust. The present study aimed to assess the self-reported adverse reactions following C19 vaccination as a possible tool to increase the trust in vaccines. A cross-sectional survey-based study, covering 761 vaccinated respondents, was conducted in Plovdiv (469 with an mR*A vaccine and 292 with an adenoviral vector vaccine). Descriptive statistics parametric and non-parametric methods were applied. Statistical significance was set at p). They were mild to moderate and resolved within several days. The levels of local reactions were comparable: 91.7% in those who received mR*A and 89.7% in those who received an adenoviral vector vaccine (p = ). The most common types of systemic reactions were fatigue, headache, and muscle pains. An association was found between the systemic reactions and the type of vaccine administered: 59.7% in mRNA recipients and 89.4% in adenoviral vector vaccinees (p
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