Funeral Of General Giraud (1949)

Unissued / unused material. Newsreel item with French titles and commentary. General Giraud’s death, St. Cyr (St-Cyr-l’Ecole) and Dijon, France. LS & MS (4 shots) ruins of St. Cyr University, party of Boy Scouts walking around. MS & CU WW1 memorial outside university that is badly damaged. MS St. Cyr Cadets marching in Victory Parade in ceremonial uniform. Library shots: General Gallieni in Geneva after 1914-18 war, General Mangin standing in his office, General Lyautey with cavalry in background, General Leclerq leaving plane on arrival at African airfield. MS troops march past General Giraud’s window, he lies in hospital in Dijon. MS General Giraud lying in bed - he is very ill. MS & CU Giraud’s son (army officer) reading out citation of Military Medal to General Giraud (poor light). CU Citation. MS Giraud lying in bed in hospital. LS troops marching past hospital (2 shots). Various shots gun carriage carrying General Giraud’s body, army officer pallbearers walk beside it (funeral
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