The BIG Battle of Canon & Nikon 85mm Lens (Feat. Canon 85mm f1.2 L)

In this video, we return to the snooker hall to test all the Canon and Nikon (as well as one Sigma) 85mm lenses to see which one produces the best results. We look at the 85mm f/1.4 G, f/1.4 D, f/1.8 D Nikkor, the Canon f/ and f/1.8 USM, as well as the Sigma 85mm f/1.4 HSM. Which one is best? Canon 85mm f/: Canon 85mm f/1.8: Nikon 85mm f/1.4 G: Nikon 85mm f/1.4 D: Nikon 85mm f/1.8 D: Sigma 85mm f/1.4:
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