Wheatley Puppet

Finally my Wheatley puppet is complete! This is a demonstration of him in action. =3 He has 10 quotes in all. This only shows a few. I’m still getting used to puppeting him, so apologies if his movement seems a little weird. I’ve got a blog detailing his build process here if anyone’s curious: You can also see some pictures of him here: FAQ UPDATE: Thank you so much for all the positive feedback. I’m so happy so many people like my little puppet. I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the comments and questions I’ve been getting, so I thought I should put up a FAQ list of the questions I keep seeing a lot. 1. How much does the puppet weigh? Just under six pounds. 2. What are his dimensions? He’s about 12 inches across. I don’t have lists of measurements for all his details, but honestly none of
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