Verdi’s greatest work – Casa Verdi, a retirement home for classical musicians | Music Documentary

Giuseppe Verdi is known for his arias, but the Italian composer is also remembered for a retirement home called Casa Verdi in Milan, which he founded for elderly musicians. Those who have spent their lives with music do not want to be without it in their old age. In Milan, Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi made sure that older musicians could live and make music together for very little money. In 1899, he founded Casa Verdi – and the residents are still grateful to him today. The melodious retirement home is financed by donations, but Giuseppe Verdi also donated the rights to his compositions to Casa Verdi. House concerts are held regularly in this special retirement community, and young musicians are welcome to come here to learn from the musical senior citizens. Verdi lived from 1813 to 1901 and is best known for his numerous operas. “La Traviata”, “Aida” and “Rigoletto” are still among the most frequently performed operas in the world. Casa Verdi is located in Piazza Buonarotti, in the
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