Smash Bros Lawl Odyssey^4 Moveset - Stupid Mario (SMG4)

18th Moveset - Invasion Era Super Mario, a hero by many hats, has captured the hearts of millions. But this one seems a than the rest. As SMG4’s best friend and main star, Stupid Mario lives up to his title as the chief idiot of the Mushroom Kingdom: If spaghetti isn’t involved, he couldn’t care less. Despite this, he’s saved the world from countless evils, to that no-good Bowser or the insane Mr. Puzzles, all with a derpy smile on his face. So with an invite against faces old and new, can Mario meme his way through Smash Bros Lawl? Special Thanks: @stativolt - The other half of Lawl Odyssey^4 @ShreklesTheSwag - Cameo of Mario Pissing @Mono_Nerd_Production - Cameo of Paper Mario @sapphirespoon1455 - Cameo of Calamity Mario @ryderwilliams5691 - Cameo of Zanzibar Mario @peez-dah - Cameo of Hotel Mario @InteriorCrocodileAlligator86 - Cameo of Flash Mario @sparklysimon132 - Speedrunner Mario was planned to cameo. @SMG4 and @GLITCH - Because of course! Music Used: Birabuto Kingdom - Super Mario Land Millennium Bob-Omb Battlefield - Nighthawk919 Bloopers - Murioz
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