Walking tour in Paris From the Eiffel Tower to the Statue of Liberty 4K

A fascinating tour that starts from the famous Trocadero Square to the Eiffel Tower and then walks through the enchanting gorge in the middle of the Seine until you reach the French Statue of Liberty. 00:00 INTRO 01:24 Place du Trocadero 13:25 Pont d’Iéna 17:24 Quai Branly 19:59 All. des Refuzniks 22:50 Av. Gustave Eiffel 24:51 Allée Jean Paulhan 27:12 Quai Branly 30:25 Port de Suffren 38:08 Pont de Bir-Hakeim 40:05 All. des Cygnes 48:58 Ile des Cygnes 50:40 The Statue of Liberty 54:08 Pont de Grenelle #france #paris #eiffeltower #statueofliberty
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