The Metalgear Rising Hypercut Part 2 (ft. Gianni Matragrano, Uberdanger) | Thuds of Liberty

Special thanks to Max0r, Gianni Matragrano, and Uberdanger for helping out with this. Sorry it took so long, this is probably my fastest and most insane video to date so hopefully it reflects about three and a half months worth of editing! Discrod Sever: Twitter dot com: Twitch (if you’re into that sorta thing lmao): Amazing channel links!: Max0r(Monsoon) - Gianni Matragrano(Armstrong) - Uberdanger(Solidus) - Funnywes(Raiden briefly) - Better Name Pending(Boris) - SpectaKoo(Grad unit) - Scorcheddarrin(KIA Security Officer) - BlakesBane(George) - Mord Hammer(Misc. Robots) - .
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