Savura - Nekropunk Attack (2021 - D-Beat / Black Metal)

Fresh blackened dbeat or nekropunk (as they call their music) band from Greece that rose from the ashes of Sordid Dogs. Tracklist: 1. Slaves Of Tomorrow 0:00 2. Φυλακή (Prison) 1:50 3. Buy me a Beer!!!! 3:59 4. Toxic Freaks 5:36 5. Inner Struggle 8:10 6. Starving Void Upon Earth (Human Serpent cover) 9:50 7. Sleepless Shithead 13:06 8. Saturday Night Fever 13:59 9. Ο Λαβύρινθος των Σκέψεων (Labyrinth of Thoughts) 16:21 10. Αργοπεθαίνω (Slowly Dying) 18:09 11. Περιθώριο (Fringe) 19:52 12. Μέσα από τις Στάχτες (Through the Ashes) 20:52
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