Contortion artists from China and Ukraine join hands to present wonderful show | Amazing Chinese

#AmazingChinese #了不起的中国人 #contortion China’s Liu Teng and Ukraine’s Ruslana share a lot of things in common: both of them are Guinness World Records holder, and renowned as “Queen of Contortion“ in each country. This is the first time they share the stage. As strong competitors and good friends, the two girls cooperate to present a perfect duo act of extreme contortion. 中乌柔术高手首次同台!两大“柔术女王”亦对手亦闺蜜联袂奉上完美演出 Subscribe to Amazing Chinese: @chinesegottalent Be prepared to have some “WOW!!“ moments! This channel will definitely surprise you by presenting some really amazing Chinese people and their unique “superpowers“. 【欢迎订阅了不起的中国人频道】@chinesegottalent 这里有一群身怀绝技的中国人!从中国功夫到街头杂耍,从最强大脑到最牛街舞,从军旅神枪手到民间手艺人,千行百业各擅胜场,网红奇招样样精通。在这里,遇见来自中国的“俗世奇人”。
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