This light language is intended to provide energetic protection from all kinds of psychic attacks. As we develop our own intuition and strengthen our gifts of extra sensory perception, we can often unknowingly affect others, and be affected as well, by the manipulation of psychic energy across the world. We can protect ourselves against ill-will that is either/both intentionally or unconsciously sent by another person/entity by cutting all cords of attachment between the entities, transmuting any negative energy (control, manipulation, fear, anxiety, etc. etc.), and putting up an energetic shi
...eld to prevent future attacks.
I’ve designed the shield to last quite a while after the initial clearing of attachments. I would listen to this at least once a day for 7-10 days to make sure all previous/current psychic cords are dissolved completely (which strengthens and prolongs the shield). After this initial clearing and calibration, you can listen to this just once a month, or less often if you’re not arounShow more