Harold Halibut - Story Trailer 2021

Everything shown in the trailer (apart from the 2D animated introduction) was rendered in realtime in the Unity engine. To stay in the know, please visit our website: , wishlist us on Steam: follow us on Twitter: @haroldhalibut, @Slow_Bros, Instagram: harold_halibut, facebook: haroldhalibut, and of course here on YouTube :) Harold Halibut is a handmade narrative game about friendship, and life on a city-sized spaceship submerged in an alien ocean. It’s been 250 years since your home - an ark-like spaceship - fled an Earth on the verge of cold war to find a habitable planet on which to preserve the human race. You are Harold, a young lab assistant for the ship’s lead scientist, Jeanne Mareaux. While most of the ship’s inhabitants have reconciled themselves to a life lived aboard the sunken ship, Mareaux still works tirelessly to find a way for the ship to leave the planet and find a new, dryer home. But of course the weird
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