Check out Micro Swiss for awesome 3d printer upgrades:
Find out more or purchase the Neptune 4 Pro here (AFF):
MandicReally’s video on configuring the wireless:
Zyro Twinkling PLA:
Zyro Multicolor Rainbow PLA:
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In today’s video we dive into the newest in the Neptune family from Elegoo the Neptune 4 Pro. Compared to the previous generations of Neptune printers this one has some great upgrades like an all metal hotend, Klipper firmware, linear guides, and 4 4020 blower fans for laye
...r cooling. Today we will go through this printers specs, what setup was like, how it has performed, and I will give you my overall thoughts based on my time with it so far.
Models used:
Foldable Crate:
Wavy Pencil Holder:
Skadis Conatiner:
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