Guest teacher: how to achieve a perfect tango walk with Virginia Pandolfi

Guest teacher: how to achieve a perfect tango walk with Virginia Pandolfi Copy in the description box: Dear dancer, Oh, have we got a special treat for you today… Look, tango dancer – there’s someone very special we’d like you to meet. If you’re looking to understand the true essence of tango… If you care about true connection, about the quality of your dancing, about musicality more than you care about steps… Today, we have the pleasure to introduce you to Virginia Pandolfi. You might already have heard about her. She’s one the most brilliant tango stars of today. She’s danced all over the world – maybe she’s already visited your city? She has been dancing & teaching for over 20 years, and, as a true milonguera, has developed a unique, authentic and musical dance. What’s more, she’s an outstanding teacher! She’s awed us whenever she came to London, we’ve sought out her teaching in Buenos Aires, and we’re so honoured that she’s agreed to share her knowledge on our channel. In this week’s
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