Kenya’s first floating solar system

Floating solar systems are a rising trend - but there are only a handful in Africa, where the technology has great potential. Watch the installation of the first ever floating solar project in Kenya and find out about how powerful this technology can be - and how you can benefit from it (bonus below!). The system powers Rift Valley Roses flower farm in Naivasha, Kenya with clean and affordable energy, saving 68 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Thanks to our installation partner Technolectric and to isigenere for their amazing support during the installation of their floating technology isifloating. The project also includes panels by Luxor and inverters by Kaco. Our engineerrs in Berlin monitor the project from afar using technology from our friends at meteocontrol. Follow ecoligo on social media to get the latest from #FloatingSolarWeek and #WorldWaterDay. Find out more about investing in solar at and earn a 30 Euro cashback bonus on your first investment with the code Floating3
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